

以输入大小:1 x 8 x 224 x 224C4 Pack1 x 2 x 224 x 224 (x 4)),权重大小: 16 x 8 x 1 x 1(MNN中将其变换为1 x 4 x 8 (x 4),即对输出通道(卷积核个数)进行C4 Pack), 输出1 x 16 x 224 x 224C4 Pack1 x 4 x 224 x 224 (x 4))为例进行辅助说明。

没有特殊说明,代码版本均为MNN release_1.2.3版本


bool fastWay = common->kernelY() == 1 && common->kernelX() == 1
&& output->width() == input->width() && output->height() == input->height()
&& common->strideX() == 1 && common->strideY() == 1;
if (fastWay) {
return new Convolution1x1Strassen(common, backend, originWeight, originWeightSize, bias, biasSize);

可见只针对kernelX = kernelY = strideX = strideY = 1的卷积操作。


初始权重为NCHW排布:16 x 8 x 1 x1,按NC/4HW4重排后为 1x 4 x 8 (x 4)。即针对卷积核个数进行C4 Pack,示意图如下:



core->MNNPackForMatMul_B(mResource->mWeight->host<float>(), originWeight, outputCount, mSrcCount, true);




if (matrixSizeE > CONVOLUTION_TILED_NUMBER * 8 * numberThread && matrixSizeE > ocC4) {
// Divide in plane, in this case the divide equal numberThread
}else {
// Divide in ocC4


unit.mStracssenComputor.reset(new StrassenMatrixComputor(backend(), false, maxDepth));
auto code = unit.mStracssenComputor->onEncode(mTempInputVector, mTempOutputVector, postParameters, ic, oc);






    1. 嵌套深度超过设定的最大深度时,或者AABB矩阵不能再继续分块时:
if (currentDepth >= mMaxDepth || eSub == 0 || hSub == 0 || l % (2 * core->pack) != 0 || l % (2 * lP) || l % (2 * packHUnit) != 0) {
return _generateBasicMatMul(e, l, h, AT, BT, CT, COT, postParameters);
    1. 读写内存的次数大于普通卷积实现时:
if (saveCost <= 0.0f) {
return _generateBasicMatMul(e, l, h, AT, BT, CT, COT, postParameters);


// Strassen Construct
auto bn = backend();
auto allocator = static_cast<CPUBackend*>(backend())->getBufferAllocator();
currentDepth += 1;
auto maxlH = std::max(lSub, hSub);
AutoMemory YAddr(hSub * lSub * core->bytes, allocator);
AutoMemory XAddr(maxlH * eSub * core->bytes, allocator);
if (nullptr == XAddr.get().first || nullptr == YAddr.get().first) {
MatrixInfo Y;
Y.stackIndex = (int)mStack.size();
mStack.emplace_back((uint8_t*)YAddr.get().first + YAddr.get().second);
Y.offsetBytes = 0;
Y.lineStrideBytes = lSub * core->bytes * hP;
MatrixInfo X;
X.stackIndex = (int)mStack.size();
X.offsetBytes = 0;
X.lineStrideBytes = eSub * core->bytes * core->pack;
mStack.emplace_back((uint8_t*)XAddr.get().first + XAddr.get().second);

MatrixInfo CX;
CX.stackIndex = X.stackIndex;
CX.offsetBytes = 0;
CX.lineStrideBytes = eSub * core->bytes * core->pack;

MatrixInfo a11 = AT;
MatrixInfo a12 = AT;
a12.offsetBytes = AT.offsetBytes + AT.lineStrideBytes * lSubUnit;
MatrixInfo a21 = AT;
a21.offsetBytes = AT.offsetBytes + eSub * core->pack * core->bytes;
MatrixInfo a22 = AT;
a22.offsetBytes = AT.offsetBytes + eSub * core->pack * core->bytes + AT.lineStrideBytes * lSubUnit;

MatrixInfo b11 = BT;
MatrixInfo b12 = BT;
b12.offsetBytes = BT.offsetBytes + BT.lineStrideBytes * (hSub / hP);
MatrixInfo b21 = BT;
b21.offsetBytes = BT.offsetBytes + lSub * hP * core->bytes;
MatrixInfo b22 = BT;
b22.offsetBytes = BT.offsetBytes + BT.lineStrideBytes * (hSub / hP) + lSub * hP * core->bytes;

MatrixInfo c11 = CT;
MatrixInfo c12 = CT;
c12.offsetBytes = CT.offsetBytes + CT.lineStrideBytes * (hSub / core->pack);
MatrixInfo c21 = CT;
c21.offsetBytes = CT.offsetBytes + eSub * core->pack * core->bytes;
MatrixInfo c22 = CT;
c22.offsetBytes = CT.offsetBytes + eSub * core->pack * core->bytes + CT.lineStrideBytes * (hSub / core->pack);

MatrixInfo Empty;
Empty.stackIndex = -1;

// S3=A11-A21, T3=B22-B12, P7=S3*T3
auto f = [a11, a21, b22, b12, X, Y, eSub, lSub, hSub, numberThread, core, hP, this, bWidth, aHeight, bHeight](int tId) {
auto xAddr = mStack[X.stackIndex] + X.offsetBytes;
auto yAddr = mStack[Y.stackIndex] + Y.offsetBytes;
auto a11Ptr = mStack[a11.stackIndex] + a11.offsetBytes;
auto a21Ptr = mStack[a21.stackIndex] + a21.offsetBytes;
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(xAddr, a11Ptr, a21Ptr, eSub, X.lineStrideBytes, a11.lineStrideBytes, a21.lineStrideBytes, aHeight, core);
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(yAddr, mStack[b22.stackIndex] + b22.offsetBytes, mStack[b12.stackIndex] + b12.offsetBytes, bWidth, Y.lineStrideBytes, b22.lineStrideBytes, b12.lineStrideBytes, bHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f, numberThread));
auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, X, Y, c21, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
// S1=A21+A22, T1=B12-B11, P5=S1T1
auto f = [a22, a21, b11, b12, X, Y, eSub, lSub, hSub, numberThread, hP, core, this, bWidth, aHeight, bHeight](int tId) {
MNNMATRIX_ADD_MULTITHREAD(mStack[X.stackIndex] + X.offsetBytes, mStack[a21.stackIndex] + a21.offsetBytes, mStack[a22.stackIndex] + a22.offsetBytes , eSub, X.lineStrideBytes, a21.lineStrideBytes, a22.lineStrideBytes, aHeight, core);
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(mStack[Y.stackIndex] + Y.offsetBytes, mStack[b12.stackIndex] + b12.offsetBytes, mStack[b11.stackIndex] + b11.offsetBytes, bWidth, Y.lineStrideBytes, b12.lineStrideBytes, b11.lineStrideBytes, bHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f, numberThread));
auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, X, Y, c22, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
// S2=S1-A11, T2=B22-T1, P6=S2T2
auto f = [a11, b22, X, Y, eSub, lSub, hSub, numberThread, hP, core, this, bWidth, aHeight, bHeight](int tId) {
auto xAddr = mStack[X.stackIndex] + X.offsetBytes;
auto yAddr = mStack[Y.stackIndex] + Y.offsetBytes;
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(xAddr, xAddr, mStack[a11.stackIndex] + a11.offsetBytes, eSub, X.lineStrideBytes, X.lineStrideBytes, a11.lineStrideBytes, aHeight, core);
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(yAddr, mStack[b22.stackIndex] + b22.offsetBytes, yAddr, bWidth, Y.lineStrideBytes, b22.lineStrideBytes, Y.lineStrideBytes, bHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f, numberThread));
auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, X, Y, c12, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
// S4=A12-S2, P3=S4*B22, P1=A11*B11
auto f = [a12, X, eSub, aHeight, numberThread, core, this](int tId) {
auto xAddr = mStack[X.stackIndex] + X.offsetBytes;
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(xAddr, mStack[a12.stackIndex] + a12.offsetBytes, xAddr, eSub, X.lineStrideBytes, a12.lineStrideBytes, X.lineStrideBytes, aHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f, numberThread));
auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, X, b22, c11, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, a11, b11, CX, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
// U2=P1+P6, U3=U2+P7, U4=U2+P5, U7=U3+P5
// U5=U4+P3, T4=T2-B21, P4=A22*T4
auto f = [c11, c12, c21, c22, b21, X, Y, eSub, bWidth, cHeight, bHeight, numberThread, core, this](int tId) {
for (int y = tId; y < cHeight; y+=numberThread) {
core->MNNStrassenMergeCFunction((float*)(mStack[c11.stackIndex] + c11.offsetBytes + y * c11.lineStrideBytes), (float*)(mStack[c12.stackIndex] + c12.offsetBytes + y * c12.lineStrideBytes), (float*)(mStack[c21.stackIndex] + c21.offsetBytes + y * c21.lineStrideBytes), (float*)(mStack[c22.stackIndex] + c22.offsetBytes + y * c22.lineStrideBytes), (float*)(mStack[X.stackIndex] + X.offsetBytes + y * X.lineStrideBytes), 0, eSub, 1);
auto yAddr = mStack[Y.stackIndex] + Y.offsetBytes;
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(yAddr, yAddr, mStack[b21.stackIndex] + b21.offsetBytes, bWidth, Y.lineStrideBytes, Y.lineStrideBytes, b21.lineStrideBytes, bHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f, numberThread));
auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, a22, Y, c11, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
// U6=U3-P4, P2=A12*B21, U1=P1+P2
auto f0 = [c11, c21, eSub, cHeight, numberThread, core, this](int tId) {
auto cw = eSub;
auto c21Addr = mStack[c21.stackIndex] + c21.offsetBytes;
MNNMATRIX_SUB_MULTITHREAD(c21Addr, c21Addr, mStack[c11.stackIndex] + c11.offsetBytes, cw, c21.lineStrideBytes, c21.lineStrideBytes, c11.lineStrideBytes, cHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f0, numberThread));
auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, a12, b21, c11, Empty, currentDepth, {});
if (code != NO_ERROR) {
return code;
auto f1 = [c11, X, eSub, cHeight, numberThread, core, this](int tId) {
auto cw = eSub;
auto c11Ptr = mStack[c11.stackIndex] + c11.offsetBytes;
auto xAddr = mStack[X.stackIndex] + X.offsetBytes;
MNNMATRIX_ADD_MULTITHREAD(c11Ptr, c11Ptr, xAddr, cw, c11.lineStrideBytes, c11.lineStrideBytes, X.lineStrideBytes, cHeight, core);
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(f1, numberThread));
... // post

下面着重看下1 x 1卷积的矩阵乘法和分块逻辑:

普通的1 × 1卷积的矩阵乘法(C=ABC=AB):



MNNC4 Pack1 × 1卷积的矩阵乘法:


  • 上图中每个方块代表一个C4 Pack,输入按输入通道pack,卷积核按卷积核个数pack,输出按输出通道pack;

  • 输入2 x 224 x 224 (x 4)可以看作普通矩阵乘法中AA的转置(2 x 50176 (x 4)),卷积核4 x 8 (x4)可以看作普通矩阵乘法中BB的转置,输出4 x 224 x 224 (x 4)可以看作普通矩阵乘法中CC的转置(4 x 50176 (x 4))。

  • 如果当前矩阵不再进行分块,则一次卷积乘加运算对应为红色虚线框中的元素,直观可以理解为CT=(AB)T=BTATC^T=(AB)^T=B^TA^T,实际的MNN执行中,会先对AA矩阵进行重排(MNNPackC4ForMatMul_A),具体下文再谈。





_generateBasicMatMul函数中会调用_generateTrivalMatMul执行普通1 x 1卷积操作,核心代码如下:

std::make_pair([cStride, l, h, xCount, AT, BT, CT, COT, tileHostOrigin, unitNumber, bExtraStride, numberThread, eReal, eP, active, this](int tId) {
auto core = static_cast<CPUBackend*>(backend())->functions();
size_t parameters[6];
parameters[0] = xCount * core->bytes;
parameters[1] = l;
parameters[2] = h;
parameters[3] = cStride;
parameters[4] = 0;
parameters[5] = bExtraStride;
auto tileHost = tileHostOrigin + eP * parameters[1] * tId * core->bytes;
const float* postParametersPtr = nullptr;
if (!active.empty()) {
postParametersPtr = active.data();
auto aHost = mStack[AT.stackIndex] + AT.offsetBytes;
auto bHost = mStack[BT.stackIndex] + BT.offsetBytes;
auto cHost = mStack[CT.stackIndex] + CT.offsetBytes;
const uint8_t* biasPtr = nullptr;
if (-1 != COT.stackIndex) {
biasPtr = mStack[COT.stackIndex] + COT.offsetBytes;
auto packUnit = core->bytes * core->pack;
int32_t info[4];
int32_t stride[4];
stride[0] = eP;
stride[1] = parameters[1];
stride[2] = 0;
stride[3] = 0;
info[0] = 1;
info[1] = eReal;
info[2] = eP;
info[3] = 1;
for (int i = tId; i < unitNumber; i+=numberThread) {
int xStart = i * eP;
auto aStart = aHost + xStart * packUnit;
core->MNNPackC4ForMatMul_A((float*)(tileHost), (const float**)(&aStart), info, stride);
core->MNNPackedMatMul((float*)(cHost + xStart * packUnit), (float*)tileHost, (float*)bHost, parameters, postParametersPtr, (const float*)biasPtr);
if (tId != numberThread -1) {
if (xCount > 0) {
stride[0] = xCount;
stride[1] = parameters[1];
info[2] = xCount;

int xStart = unitNumber * eP;
auto aStart = aHost + xStart * packUnit;
// Copy
core->MNNPackC4ForMatMul_A((float*)(tileHost), (const float**)(&aStart), info, stride);
core->MNNPackedMatMulRemain((float*)(cHost + xStart * packUnit), (float*)tileHost, (float*)bHost, xCount, parameters, postParametersPtr, (const float*)biasPtr);
}, numberThread));

其中unitNumber为当前线程需要处理多少个unit,假设eP = 24,代表每个unit处理24个C4 Pack,假设numberThread=4,则unitNumber = (224 x 224) / 4 / eP = 522。即一个线程循环中对522个unit进行处理,不能整除的部分单独处理即可。





将单个C4通道的24个C4 Pack数据执行通道分离,属于同一个输入通道的24个值排在一起。两个C4通道(8个输入通道)处理完的示意图如下(24 x 8):


MNNPackedMatMul 矩阵乘加

为了解释起来更简单,从上面权重图中拿1个8 x C4 Pack(即:4个卷积核)来,至于所有的4个8 x C4 Pack(即:16个卷积核)卷积核循环4次处理即可。取出来的Mul+Add运算图如下:



    1. MUL操作时,以上图中两个黑色框为计算单元。输入的黑色框中每次取一个值出来,与权重第一行黑色框中4个值依次相乘,并将结果pack到一起,直到24个值全部计算完成,输出一行24 (x 4)
    1. 输入更新到下一个通道24个值,权重也下移一行,重复8次上述运算。得到8 x 24 (x 4)
    1. 将8行数据对应位置累加(即:同一个卷积核的不同通道累加),得到24个点一个C4 Pack的卷积结果:24 (x 4)
    1. 卷积核有16个,即:4个8 x C4 Pack,循环4次,将所有卷积核处理完,得到24个点所有卷积核的卷积结果:24 (x 4)

至此,就完成了一组unit的卷积操作,得到输出4 x 24 (x 4)。处理完所有的unit之后,就完成1 x 1的卷积操作。



void _AVX_MNNPackedMatMulFMA(float* C, const float* A, const float* B, const size_t* parameter,
const float* postParameters, const float* bias) {
auto h = parameter[2];
auto cStride = parameter[3] / sizeof(float);
#ifdef MNN_X86_USE_ASM
if (postParameters == nullptr) {
_AVX_MNNGemmFloatUnitMainFMA(C, A, B, parameter);
} else {
_AVX_MNNGemmFloatUnitMainFMA_Fused(C, A, B, parameter, postParameters, bias);
auto hC4 = UP_DIV(h, 4);
auto hC8 = hC4 / 2;
auto hR = hC4 % 2;
if (hR > 0) {
auto zero = _mm_set1_ps(0.0f);
// Set Last H4 = 0
auto dst = C + hC8 * cStride;
for (int x = 0; x < MNN_UNIT_E; ++x) {
_mm_storeu_ps(dst + 8 * x + 4, zero);
_AVX_MNNPackedMatMul_Main(C, A, B, parameter);
AVX2GemmPostTreat(C, MNN_UNIT_E, parameter, postParameters, bias);



if (!postParameters.empty() && COT.stackIndex >= 0) {
if (1 == numberThread) {
auto postFunction = [c11, COT, eSub, cHeight, numberThread, postParameters, core, this](int tId) {
auto biasPtr = (const float*)(mStack[COT.stackIndex] + COT.offsetBytes);
auto width = eSub * 2;
auto height = cHeight * 2;
auto c11Ptr = mStack[c11.stackIndex] + c11.offsetBytes;
core->MNNAxByClampBroadcastUnit((float*)c11Ptr, (float*)c11Ptr, biasPtr, width, c11.lineStrideBytes / core->bytes, c11.lineStrideBytes / core->bytes, height, postParameters.data());
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(postFunction, numberThread));
} else {
auto postFunction = [c11, COT, eSub, cHeight, numberThread, postParameters, core, this](int tId) {
auto width = eSub * 2;
auto height = cHeight * 2;
auto c11Ptr = mStack[c11.stackIndex] + c11.offsetBytes;
auto biasPtr = mStack[COT.stackIndex] + COT.offsetBytes;
for (int y = tId; y < height; y+=numberThread) {
core->MNNAxByClampBroadcastUnit((float*)(c11Ptr + y * c11.lineStrideBytes), (float*)(c11Ptr + y * c11.lineStrideBytes), (const float*)(biasPtr + y * core->bytes * core->pack), width, 0, 0, 1, postParameters.data());
mFunctions.emplace_back(std::make_pair(postFunction, numberThread));


auto code = _generateMatMul(eSub, lSub, hSub, X, Y, c21, Empty, currentDepth, {});




void StrassenMatrixComputor::onExecute(const uint8_t* AT, const uint8_t* BT, const uint8_t* COT, uint8_t* CT) {
if (nullptr != AT) {
mStack[0] = (uint8_t*)AT;
if (nullptr != BT) {
mStack[1] = (uint8_t*)BT;
if (nullptr != CT) {
mStack[2] = (uint8_t*)CT;
if (nullptr != COT) {
mStack[3] = (uint8_t*)COT;

// All is done in onResize, just execute it
for (auto& f : mFunctions) {




float AComputeCost = 4 * ((float)eSub * lSub);
float BComputeCost = 4 * (float)lSub * bHSub * hP;
float CComputeCost = 7 * (float)eSub * hSub;
float saveMatMulCost = (e / eP) * (aUnit * eP * hSub / core->pack + lSubUnit * eP * aUnit + lSub * bHSub * hP);

const float penalty = core->penalty;//FIXME: Find beter way to set it
float saveCost = saveMatMulCost - (AComputeCost + BComputeCost + CComputeCost) * penalty;
if (saveCost <= 0.0f) {
return _generateBasicMatMul(e, l, h, AT, BT, CT, COT, postParameters);


saveMatMulCost=eep(ep2ic+ep2oc+icoc4)AComputeCost=eicBComputeCost=icocCComputeCost=7eoc4saveCost=saveMatMulCost(AComputeCost+BComputeCost+CComputeCost)penalty\begin{align*} saveMatMulCost&=\frac{e}{ep}(\frac{ep}{2}*ic+\frac{ep}{2}*oc+\frac{ic*oc}{4}) \\ AComputeCost&=e*ic \\ BComputeCost&=ic*oc \\ CComputeCost&=\frac{7*e*oc}{4} \\ saveCost&=saveMatMulCost-\\&(AComputeCost+BComputeCost+CComputeCost)*penalty \\ \end{align*}


按照上述cost计算方法,在固定e=64×64,ep=24,penalty=1.5e=64×64, ep=24,penalty=1.5的情况下,遍历ic[2,512],oc[2,512]ic\in[2,512],oc\in[2,512],实测下来会用到Strassen的都是ic和oc大于256的情况。

void TestStrassenCost() {
int e = 64 * 64, ep = 24;
float penalty = 1.5;
std::ofstream fout("strassen_cost.txt");
for (int ic = 2; ic <= 512; ic += 1) {
for (int oc = 2; oc <= 512; oc += 1) {
int origin_cost = e / ep * (ep / 2 * oc + ep / 2 * ic + ic * oc / 4);
int strassen_cost = e * ic + ic * oc + (7 * e * oc) / 4;
if (origin_cost - strassen_cost * penalty > 0) {
fout << "use strassen, ic:" << ic << ", oc: " << oc << ", rate: " << origin_cost / (strassen_cost * penalty) << std::endl;

